Quantum physics with compound atom-ion systems (Dr. Antonio Negretti)
Quantum physics with compound atom-ion systems
- Date: Nov 28, 2018
- Time: 10:30 AM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Dr. Antonio Negretti
- Associate Professor at Center for Optical Quantum Technologies, Universität Hamburg
- Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
- Room: Hörsaal, Raum B 0.32 / New lecture hall, Room B 0.32
- Host: MPQ, Theory Division, hosted by Dr. Richard Schmidt
- Contact: richard.schmidt@mpq.mpg.de
In this talk I shall illustrate how ultracold quantum systems of atoms and ions can be used for quantum simulation and information processing as well as for investigating many-body quantum physics. I shall thus present a few theoretical examples on how to control an atomic bosonic Josephson junction with a single trapped ion, the formation of molecular ions, and how to engineer long-ranged atom-ion interactions with laser fields and Rydberg excitations.