Flat Optics: a new approach to structured light, polarization control and lenses (Prof. Federico Capasso)
Flat Optics: a new approach to structured light, polarization control and lenses
- Date: Dec 12, 2018
- Time: 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Prof. Federico Capasso, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
- School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
- Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
- Room: Hörsaal, Raum B 0.32 / New lecture hall, Room B 0.32
- Host: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Metasurfaces enable arbitrary control of the wavefront of light by locally manipulating polarization in addition to amplitude and phase. As a result, multiple optical functions can be encoded with greatly reduced complexity that be accessed by changing the input polarization, wavelength and k-vector. Unique ways to generate structured light, a new polarization optics that greatly surpasses the capabilities of the standard and a new class of lenses that correct aberrations without requiring multiple stacked lenses have emerged from this approach.
I will present spin-to-total angular momentum converters (J-plates) that
create complex entangled states with
applications in quantum optics and other fields , new
polarimeters and polarization state generators and broadband
achromatic lenses.