MPQ alumnus Edoardo Vicentini wins the 2023 Couillaud Prize
The Bernard J. Couillaud Prize in Ultrafast Lasers honours Dr Edoardo Vicentini’s state-of-the-art research on digital holography with femtosecond frequency combs.
The award, conferred annually by the Optica Foundation and Coherent Inc., recognises excellent early-career researchers in ultrafast photonics. Awardees receive a financial grant of 20,000 US dollars, intended to support their outstanding innovative research projects.

Dr Edoardo Vicentini, now a post-doctoral scientist at the Basque Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center (nanoGUNE), receives the award for his research in dual-comb holography and his project of optical diffraction tomography with femtosecond frequency combs. "I am truly grateful and honoured to receive the Bernard J. Couillaud Prize in Ultrafast Lasers", the winner states.
The Bernard J. Couillaud Prize is a joint initiative of the Optica Foundation and Coherent Inc., a US company that develops and manufactures laser equipment. The aim of the award is to support early-career researchers to carry out research projects that have “the potential to make a meaningful and positive impact on the science and applications of ultrafast lasers."
For Edoardo Vicentini, the award is an opportunity to render his scientific work more visible, while the prize money will be highly conducive to pursuing his future research projects. In 2020 and 2021, Vicentini was a visiting doctoral student at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, hosted by the Laser Spectroscopy Division. Together with MPQ physicist Dr Nathalie Picqué, he carried out ground-breaking experimental work on dual-comb digital holography, for which they jointly received the Helmholtz Prize 2022. With the support of the Couillaud Prize, Edoardo Vicentini will explore new approaches to 3D imaging with combs together with the MPQ group.
The Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics congratulates Edoardo Vicentini on this achievement and looks forward to future collaborations.