Video Portraits of the MPQ Divisions
In order for you to get to know your divison before coming to Germany, we created video portraits with every director.
Gerhard Rempe - Quantum Dynamics (VIDEO PORTRAIT)
Gerhard Rempe and his team investigate the quantum world - in the form of individual atoms and molecules - and its effects for future applications, in particular the processing and communication of (quantum) information.
Attosecond Division
Deep in the micro cosmos, time dimensions are extremely short. Electrons in atoms and molecules move within only a few attoseconds, which are billionths of a billionth of a second. In order to see and investigate these motions, Ferenc Krausz and his group create ultrashort flashes of light which also last only a couple of attoseconds.
Theodor Hänsch - Laser Spectroscopy (VIDEO PORTRAIT)
For his ground breaking invention of the laser frequency comb Theodor Hänsch was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2005. In his Laser Spectroscopy group at MPQ and LMU, Theodor Hänsch uses modern tools from laser science, nonlinear optics and photonics to open a sharp window into the microcosmos and gain new and fundamental insights into atomic and molecular physics, and the physics of light.
Immanuel Bloch - Quantum Many Body Systems (VIDEO PORTRAIT)
In his group Quantum Many Body Systems, Immanuel Bloch aims at understanding the interaction and dynamics in quantum systems with many particles, and engineering and exploiting them for quantum simulation and quantum information purposes. He is a specialist in quantum simulation and one of the founders of this experimental field.
Ignacio Cirac - Theory Divison (VIDEO PORTRAIT)
In his Theory group, Ignacio Cirac and his team are among other things reasoning about the strange and paradox phenomena of the quantum world that challenge all our intuition - like entanglement, superposition and tunneling. How can these phenomena be used to transmit information with ever greater efficiency and security?