Vladilen Letokhov Medal’s First Recipient
Professor Ferenc Krausz receives the prize in honor of his research in the field of high-field physics and pioneering achievements in the field of attosecond physics
The first recipient of the Vladilen Letokhov Medal, which will be presented jointly by the European Physical Society and the Russian Academy of Sciences, is Professor Ferenc Krausz, Director at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and Chair of Experimental Laser Physics at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich. Professor Krausz receives the Medal for his contribution to the development of high-field laser physics, in particular for pioneering attosecond physics, through which real-time views of electron motion in atoms, molecules and solids have become possible.
Established in memory of Vladilen Letokhov (1939-2009), former Vice-Director of the Institute of Spectroscopy at the Russian Academy of Sciences and pioneer in several fields of laser physics. The Letokhov Medal aims to recognize outstanding contributions in laser-matter interaction, in particular spectroscopy of atoms and molecules, laser manipulation of atoms, and strong field processes. The prize consists of a medal, a certificate and a monetary award of 5.000 euros. It will be awarded for the first time ever at the 13th European Conference on Atoms, Molecules and Photons (ECAMP) in Florence, Italy, which will take place from April 8-12, 2019. Professor Krausz will hold a presentation titled “Attosecond Science: From Basic Research to Cancer Detection” at this conference on April 10th. (Thorsten Naeser)