Publications | Catalogues | Databases | References
heise-Journals online (c't Magazin, iX Magazin, Technology Review, Mac&i, c't Fotografie, Make)
MPQ Publications
Open Access
- Open Access Publishing in the MPG
- Searchable List of Open Access Journal Titles with central APC payment
- Open Access in Nature Journals
- Open policy finder (Formerly Sherpa services)
Catalogues/ eBooks
- Online Catalogue MPQ Library with Theory Library
- PuRe - MPG Publication Repository (MPQ Publications started with 2003)
- eBooks Catalogue of the MPG
- Printed journals at MPQ
- Journals with fulltext access for MPQ
- MPG Citation Linker (MPG SFX Service leads to fulltext)
- arXiv
- Web of Science
- MPG Service Catalogue for researchers
- MPG.ReNa - eResource Navigator of the MPG
- Scopus
- Springer Materials: The Landolt-Börnstein Database