Alejandro González Tudela Wins RSEF-BBVA Prize for Young Researchers
The Royal Spanish Society for Physics (Real Sociedad Española de Física, RSEF) and the BBVA Foundation honour the Max Planck alumnus for his groundbreaking research in theoretical physics.
The jury’s decision was motivated primarily by his high scientific reputation in the fields of nanophotonics and quantum plasmonics. According to the citation, González Tudela has an impressive publication record, has established a multidisciplinary profile, and his contributions to these fields have received international recognition. In addition, the jury lauds his soundly based and extraordinarily individual working methods, which have enabled him to open up entirely new areas of research.
“Alejandro González Tudela is a very brilliant junior researcher in theoretical physics. Thanks to his wide-ranging expertise and his creativity, he is developing theories, which are of fundamental significance for future research,” says Ignacio Cirac (Director of the Theory Division of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics) of the achievements of his former research associate.
Only last year González Tudela received the NJP Early Career Award, a distinction bestowed on highly promising young investigators by the Editorial Board of the New Journal of Physics, the German Physical Society (DPG) and the Institute of Physics (IOP).
Alejandro González Tudela, born in 1985 in Murcia (Spain), studied Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Having obtained his Master’s degree in 2009, he went on to do a doctorate, which he completed (summa cum laude) in 2013. He received an ‘Extraordinary PhD Prize’ from the UAM for the best thesis submitted in his doctoral programme.
In the following year, he took up a postdoc position in the group led by Ignacio Cirac, Director of the Theory Division at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching near Munich. During his stay at the Institute, he obtained both a Humboldt and a Marie Curie Fellowships.
Since August 2018 González Tudela works at the Institute of Fundamental Physics (IFF) in Madrid, which is run by the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC), the largest public institution dedicated to research in Spain.