

The MPQ Colloquium is held on Tuesdays at 2:30 pm.
The MCQST Colloquium takes place on Tuesdays at 2:00 pm.

The talks will take place in Herbert Walther Lecture Hall. Details on how to participate online are distributed via the mailing lists [wiss-mpq] and [Mpq-colloquium-stream]. To receive this information, please register using the attached link.

Scientific organization of the talks:  Dr. Stephan Dürr and Prof. Thomas Udem

Speaker: Prof. Elke Neu-Ruffing Room: Herbert Walther Lecture Hall Host: MCQST Location: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Hans-Kopferman-Straße 1, 85748 Garching
Individual, luminescent point defects are stable, atomically small quantum systems. Such individual quantum systems are extremely sensitive sensors, e.g., for magnetic fields. Their strength is to harness quantum mechanics for ultimate sensitivity and versatility while simultaneously boosting spatial resolution in imaging. [more]
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