Double Feature: Anomalous Floquet phases in periodically-driven hexagonal lattices (M.Sc. Karen Wintersperger)

Double Feature: Anomalous Floquet phases in periodically-driven hexagonal lattices

  • Date: Oct 29, 2019
  • Time: 02:30 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: M.Sc. Karen Wintersperger
  • Quantum Many-body systems Division, MPQ
  • Location: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
  • Room: Herbert Walther Lecture Hall
Ultracold atoms in periodically-driven optical lattices can be used to simulate systems with nontrivial topological properties. Due to the periodic driving, energy conservation is relaxed which makes it possible to realize systems with properties that go beyond those of conventional static systems. For instance, chiral edge modes can exists even if the bulk is topologically trivial [1].

We study such anomalous Floquet phases experimentally using a BEC of K39 in an optical honeycomb lattice with periodically modulated tunnel couplings. By monitoring the closing and reopening of energy gaps in the band structure we are able to track the transitions between different Floquet phases. Moreover, we probe the topological properties of the bulk by measuring the Hall deflection induced by local changes in the Berry curvature. Combining these measurements enables us to extract the topological invariants of the bulk bands and the energy gaps, which are both required to accurately classify the topological phases of Floquet systems [2, 3].

[1] T. Kitagawa et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 235114 (2010)
[2] M. Rudner et al., PRX 3, 031005 (2013)
[3] N. Ünal et al., PRL 122, 253601 (2019)

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