Language Schools
At the MPQ we highly encourage you to learn German in order to simplify your stay and research in Germany. Most often german courses are substituted or financed by your department (You need to apply for financial help PRIOR to signing a contract with a language school!).
Language courses at MPQ
The MPQ offers German language courses throughout the year. Please contact your group assistant for more information.
Other Institutions
LMU Munich
International University club Munich e.V. (IUCM)
Tel.: 089 / 288036680
Homepage IUCM
Goethe-Institut Munich
Tel.: 089 / 551903-0
Homepage Goethe Institut
VHS im Norden des Landkreises München e.V.
Tel.: 089 / 5550517-0
Homepage VHS Nord
VHS Munich
(089) 48006-0
Homepage VHS Munich