
Journal Article (10)

Journal Article
Halimeh, J. C.; Aidelsburger, M.; Grusdt , F.; Hauke, P.; Yang, B.: Cold-atom quantum simulators of gauge theories. Nature Physics 21, pp. 25 - 36 (2025)
Journal Article
Sahay, R.; Divic, S.; Parker, D. E.; Soejima, T.; Anand, S.; Hauschild, J.; Aidelsburger, M.; Vishwanath, A.; Chatterjee, S.; Yao, N. Y. et al.; Zaletel, M. P.: Superconductivity in a Topological Lattice Model with Strong Repulsion. Physical Review B 110, 195126 (2024)
Journal Article
Kamal, H.; Kemp, J.; He, Y.-C.; Fuji, Y.; Aidelsburger, M.; Zoller, P.; Yao, N. Y.: Floquet Flux Attachment in Cold Atomic Systems. Physical Review Letters 133, 163403 (2024)
Journal Article
Impertro, A.; Karch, S.; Wienand, J. F.; Huh, S.; Schweizer, C.; Bloch, I.; Aidelsburger, M.: Local readout and control of current and kinetic energy operators in optical lattices. Physical Review Letters 133, 063401 (2024)
Journal Article
Wienand, J. F.; Karch, S.; Impertro, A.; Schweizer, C.; McCulloch, E.; Vasseur, R.; Gopalakrishnan, S.; Aidelsburger, M.; Bloch, I.: Emergence of fluctuating hydrodynamics in chaotic quantum systems. Nature Physics 2024 (2024)
Journal Article
Braun, C.; Saint-Jalm , R.; Hesse, A.; Arceri, J.; Bloch, I.; Aidelsburger, M.: Real-space detection and manipulation of topological edge modes with ultracold atoms. Nature Physics 2024 (2024)
Journal Article
Zheng, J.-H.; Dutta, A.; Aidelsburger, M.; Hofstetter, W.: Floquet topological phase transitions induced by uncorrelated or correlated disorder. Physical Review B 109, 184201 (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, B.; Aidelsburger, M.; Dalibard, J.; Eckardt, A.; Goldman, N.: Cold-Atom Elevator: From Edge-State Injection to the Preparation of Fractional Chern Insulators. Physical Review Letters 132, 163402 (2024)
Journal Article
Baldelli, N.; Cabrera, C. R.; Julià-Farré, S.; Aidelsburger, M.; Barbiero, L.: Frustrated Extended Bose-Hubbard Model and Deconfined Quantum Critical Points with Optical Lattices at the Antimagic Wavelength. Physical Review Letters 132, 153401 (2024)
Journal Article
Dutta, A.; Sen, E.; Zheng, J.-H.; Aidelsburger, M.; Hofstetter, W.: Anomalous Floquet Anderson insulator in a continuously driven optical lattice. Physical Review B 109, L121114 (2024)

Other (1)

Chen, H.-Y.; Aidelsburger, M.; Economou, S.; Das, S.; Gilpin, W.; Chen, X.: Farewells and hellos at Nature Reviews Physics, Nature Reviews Physics 6, p. 525 - 525 (2024)

Preprint (3)

Karch, S.; Bandyopadhyay, S.; Sun, Z.-H.; Impertro, A.; Huh, S.; Rodríguez, I. P.; Wienand, J. F.; Ketterle, W.; Heyl, M.; Polkovnikov, A. et al.; Bloch, I.; Aidelsburger, M.: Probing quantum many-body dynamics using subsystem Loschmidt echos. (submitted)
Abdalla, A.; Abe, M.; Abend, S.; Abidi, M.; Aidelsburger, M.; Alibabaei, A.; Allard, B.; Antoniadis, J.; Arduini, G.; Augst, N. et al.; Balamatsias, P.; Balaz, A.; Banks, H.; Barcklay, R. L.; Barone, M.; Barsanti, M.; Bason, M. G.; Bassi, A.; Bayle, J.-B.; Baynham, C. F. A.; Beaufils, Q.; Beldjoudi, S.; Belic, A.; Bennetts, S.; Bernabeu, J.; Bertoldi, A.; Bigard, C.; Bigelow, N. P.; Bingham, R.; Blas, D.; Bobrick, A.; Boehringer, S.; Bogojevic, A.; Bongs, K.; Bortoletto, D.; Bouyer, P.; Brand, C.; Buchmueller, O.; Buica, G.; Calatroni, S.; Calmels, L.; Canizares, P.; Canuel, B.; Caramete, A.; Caramete, L.-I.; Carlesso, M.; Carlton, J.; Carman, S. P.; Carroll, A.; Casariego, M.; Chairetis, M.; Charmandaris, V.; Chauhan, U.; Chen, J.; (Maril)Chiofalo, M. L.; Ciampini, D.; Cimbri, A.; Clad, P.; Coleman, J.; Constantin, F. L.; Contaldi, C. R.; Corgier, R.; Dash, B.; Davies, G.J.; de Rham, C.; Roeck, A. D.; Derr, D.; Dey, S.; Pumpo, F. D.; Djordjevic, G. S.; Doebrich, B.; Dornan, P.; Doser, M.; Drougakis, G.; Dunningham, J.; Duspayev, A.; Easo, S.; Eby, J.; Efremov, M.; Elertas, G.; Ellis, J.; Entin, N.; Fairhurst, S.; Fani, M.; Fassi, F.; Fayet, P.; Felea, D.; Feng, J.; Flack, R.; Foot, C.; Freegarde, T.; Fuchs, E.; Gaaloul, N.; Gao, D.; Gardner, S.; Garraway, B. M.; Alzar, C. L. G.; Gauguet, A.; Giese, E.; 210 et al: Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry: Summary of the Second Workshop. (submitted)
Höhn, T. O.; Villela, R. A.; Zu, E.; Bezzo, L.; Kroeze, R. M.; Aidelsburger, M.: Determining the 3P0 excited-state tune-out wavelength of 174Yb in a triple-magic lattice. (submitted)
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