Visitor tours

Visitor tours

We offer guided tours of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics for interested study groups, delegations and school classes on a limited basis. Due to space restrictions in the laboratories and current infection protection regulations, we can only receive visitor groups with a maximum of 16 people. Small groups of up to eight people then visit two laboratories in turn. 

A guided tour at the MPQ usually proceeds as followed:

  • Introductory lecture with an overview of the structure, history and research areas of the institute. Duration: approx. 30 - 45 minutes
  • Scientists will guide you through two different laboratories and explain their experiments. Duration: approx. 60 minutes

Total duration of the tour: approx. 1.5 to 2 hours

Possible experiments for the guided tour are:

Attosecond Physics  Atomic „photography“ with attosecond pulses  ca. 45 minutes
Laser Spectroscopy Laser frequency comb  ca. 30 minutes
 Hydrogen spectroscopyca. 30 minutes
Quantum Dynamics Cold polar molecules ca. 30 minutes
 Bose Einstein Condensatenca. 30 minutes
 Single Photon Server / Q-Gateca. 30 minutes
 Photon pistolca. 30 minutes
Quantum Many-Body SystemsOptical latticesca. 30 minutes



Teachers who would like to visit the institute with their students should send their request directly to the head of the student laboratory, Dr Silke Stähler-Schöpf: 

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