
“Particle exchange statistics beyond fermions and bosons”

January 08, 2025

It is commonly believed that there are only two types of particle exchange statistics in quantum mechanics, fermions and bosons, with the exception of anyons in two dimensions1,2,3,4,5. In principle, a second exception known as parastatistics, which extends outside two dimensions, has been considered6 but was believed to be physically equivalent to fermions and bosons7,8,9. Here we show that non-trivial parastatistics inequivalent to either fermions or bosons can exist in physical systems. These new types of identical particle obey generalized exclusion principles, leading to exotic free-particle thermodynamics distinct from any system of free fermions and bosons. We formulate our theory by developing a second quantization of paraparticles that naturally includes exactly solvable non-interacting theories and incorporates physical constraints such as locality. We then construct a family of exactly solvable quantum spin models in one and two dimensions, in which free paraparticles emerge as quasiparticle excitations, and their exchange statistics can be physically observed and are notably distinct from fermions and bosons. This demonstrates the possibility of a new type of quasiparticle in condensed matter systems and—more speculatively—the potential for previously unconsidered types of elementary particle.

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