M.Sc. Hassan Farhat

17.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
UCLA Physics & Astronomy, Los Angeles, USA

June 17, 2024

M.Sc. Hassan Farhat from UCLA Physics & Astronomy in Los Angeles (Campbell Group, Quantum Physics with Atoms and Molecules) is visiting the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics from June 17 until June 28, 2024. He is a guest of the Laser Spectroscopy Division.

M. Sc. Hassan Farhat is a PhD Student at The University of California Los Angeles in the Physics and Astronomy department. He´s a member of Professor Wesley Campbell's group. He does Quantum Physics with trapped ions primarily Yb+ ions. He also has extensive experience building and operating ion traps.

For more information please visit the Campbell's Reseach Group at UCLA Physics & Astronomy website

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