We simulate a zero-temperature pure Z3 Lattice Gauge Theory in 2+1 dimensions by using an iPEPS (Infinite Projected Entangled-Pair State) ansatz for the ground state. Our results are therefore directly valid in the thermodynamic limit. They clearly show two distinct phases separated by a phase transition. We introduce an update strategy that enables plaquette terms and Gauss-law constraints to be applied as sequences of two-body operators. This allows the use of the most up-to-date iPEPS algorithms. From the calculation of spatial Wilson loops we are able to prove the existence of a confined phase. We show that with relatively low computational cost it is possible to reproduce crucial features of gauge theories. We expect that the strategy allows the extension of iPEPS studies to more general LGTs.
For decades, quantum mechanics assumed all observable particles fall into two categories: fermions and bosons. Now, this dichotomous view of particles is being questioned. Researchers from MPQ and Rice University have investigated the intricacies of particle exchange statistics and shown that a third category, paraparticles, can exist under specific physical conditions.
Theorists have made a significant stride in the field of quantum computing. Their research addresses a long-standing question: can quantum computers really outperform classical computers in solving complex problems, despite the presence of errors? In a new study focusing on analogue quantum simulators – specialised quantum devices used to mimic physical systems – the researchers could show precisely that.