MPG Workshop - Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology

MPG Workshop - Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology

Quantum Science and Technology (QST) is a novel and interdisciplinary area of science and engineering that builds on the unifying concepts of Quantum Mechanics and Information Science. It promises diverse applications ranging from sensing and precision measurements, to communications and computing. At this MPG workshop, we plan to give an overview and introduction into the different fields of QST. We plan to discuss goals, current international research activities and challenges in these different fields. 

You are cordially invited to participate in the workshop and discuss with selected experts the frontiers and future of research in QST.

When: 6 May, 2019 - (9:30-16:00)

Where: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

For the time being the program looks as followed:

For more Details and the Registration please click here:

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