„NIM Conference on Resonator QED 2017"
Datum/Date: 29. August - 01. September 2017
Ort/Location: Kardinal-Wendel-Haus München

Nach den großen Erfolgen der Jahre 2013 und 2015 findet die diesjährige "Resonator QED 2017" vom 29. August - 01. September wieder in München statt. Einzelheiten zum Programmablauf und den Rednern finden Sie rechts und auf der Webseite von NIM. Anmeldung erforderlich.
The Resonator QED 2017 conference is a continuation of the highly successful Resonator QED 2013 and 2015 conference, also held in Munich. It is organized by the Cluster of Excellence "Nanosystems Initiative Munich" (NIM). The Resonator QED 2017 conference will consist of tutorials and invited talks, as well as a small number of contributed talks and poster presentations. Please find more information on the right or follow the link to the NIM platform. Registration neccessary!