Nanotechnology meets Quantum Information
11. - 14. Juli 2016
Ever smaller and better designed semiconductor structures are reaching the quantum realm, leading to new promises and challenges in information processing. In the school "Nanotechnology meets Quantum Information" seven leading experts will provide a comprehensive and broad overview about different implementations for both quantum information processing and quantum simulation enabled by recent progress in nanotechnologies and the experimental and theoretical challenges in exploring the prospects of quantum computing, quantum simulation, and the physics of quantum many-body systems.
Anmeldeschluß / Application Deadline: 30. April 2016
Schulgebühr / School fee: 200 EURO
Vorträge/Lectures by:
Darrick E. Chang, Liang fu, Atac Imamoglu, Daniel Loss, J. Ignacio Cirac, Mikhail D. Lukin, Andreas Wallraff
Géza Giedke (DIPC), Alejandro González-Tudela (MPQ), J. Ignacio Cirac (MPQ)