Subcycle quantum physics (Prof. R. Huber)

Atomically strong light pulses in the terahertz window of the electromagnetic spectrum form a unique toolbox to trace and control electronic and ionic quantum motion faster than a cycle of light. [more]

Brillouin-based light storage in a photonic circuit (Dr. B. Stiller)

Brillouin scattering is a fundamental nonlinear opto-acoustic interaction present in optical fibres and other waveguides with important implications in fields ranging from modern telecommunication networks, signal processing and smart optical sensors. [more]

Status and prospects of fiber lasers and amplifiers (Prof. A. Tünnermann)

In the past years rare-earth-doped fiber lasers have emerged as an attractive and power scalable solid-state laser concept due to the outstanding thermo-optical properties of an actively doped fiber. [more]

An Einsteinian Analogy Sheds Light on Light (Prof. D. Hofstadter)

Where does deep insight in physics come from? For those who view physics as a highly rational science grounded in strict mathematical deduction, it is tempting to think that great physics comes only from the purest and most precise of reasoning, following ironclad laws of thought that compel the clear mind completely rigidly. [more]

Convex Optimization Methods for Image-based 3D Reconstruction (Prof. D. Cremers)

The reconstruction of the 3D world from a moving camera is among the central challenges in computer vision. [more]

Optically Trapping and Isolating Ions for Seconds (Prof. T. Schätz)

Isolating ions and atoms from the environment is essential for experiments, especially if we aim to study quantum effects. [more]

Magnonic macroscopic quantum states and supercurrents (Prof. B. Hillebrands)

Finding new ways for fast and efficient processing and transfer of data is one the most challenging tasks nowadays. [more]

An overview of recent results for the non-equilibrium dynamics of isolated 1D models (Prof. P. Calabrese)

Since the early days of quantum mechanics, understanding how statistical ensembles arise from the unitary time evolution of an isolated quantum system has been a fascinating problem. [more]

Making quantum liquids from quantum gases (Prof. L. Tarruell)

Self-bound states appear in contexts as diverse as solitary waves in channels, optical solitons in non-linear media and liquid droplets. [more]

Prospects for a quantum electro-optic interface via micromechanical motion (Prof. C. Regal)

Superconducting qubits have become a powerful resource for the creation of arbitrary quantum states. [more]

Experimental many-body physics using arrays of individual Rydberg atoms (Prof. A. Browaeys)

This talk will present our on-going effort to control the dipole-dipole interaction between cold Rydberg atoms in order to implement spin Hamiltonians that may be useful for quantum simulation of condensed matter problems. [more]

Quantum many-body dynamics under continuous observation (Prof. M. Ueda)

Quantum gas microscopy has revolutionalized our approach to quantum many-body systems where atoms trapped in an optical lattice can be observed in real time at the single-particle level. [more]

Atomic giants in a new light: Emerging photon interactions from highly excited Rydberg atoms (Prof. T. Pohl)

The combination of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and strongly interacting Rydberg states in cold atomic gases has opened up new routes towards achieving few-photon optical nonlinearities. [more]

Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy with High-coherence Electron Beams (Prof. C. Ropers)

Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy (UTEM) is a powerful technique to study structural and electronic dynamics on the nanoscale. [more]

Connecting quantum systems through optimized photonics (Prof. J. Vuckovic)

Semiconductor quantum dot in cavity has been the workhorse of solid-state quantum optics, enabling many exciting demonstrations such as photon blockade, and some of the best quantum light sources and spin-photon interfaces. [more]
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