Synthetic gauge fields in synthetic dimensions: Magnetic crystals and chiral edge modes (Prof. R. Fazio)

  • Datum: 10.05.2016
  • Uhrzeit: 14:30 - 16:00
  • Vortragende(r): Prof. Dr. Rosario Fazio, ICTP Triest, Italy
  • Raum: Herbert Walther Lecture Hall
  • Gastgeber: MPQ
Synthetic ladders realized with one-dimensional alkaline-earth(-like) fermionic gases and subject to a gauge field represent a promising environment for the investigation of quantum Hall physics with ultracold atoms.

I will analyse several properties of these systems emphasising the role of interaction in view of existing and possible future experiments. I will concentrate on its impact on the recently detected chiral currents. I will also describe the properties of certain magnetic crystals, emerging at given densities and applied fluxes. I will finally discuss ways to detect them through  edge currents and topological pumping.

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